Desa, adalah kesatuan masyarakat hukum yang memiliki batas wilayah yang berwenang untuk mengatur dan mengurus urusan pemerintahan, kepentingan masyarakat setempat berdasarkan prakarsa masyarakat, hak asal usul, dan/atau hak tradisional yang diakui dan dihormati dalam sistem pemerintahan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.[

November 30, 2022

the World's Eight Most Beautiful Villages for Vacation

The World's Eight Most Beautiful Villages for Vacation When compared to metropolitan views, the scenery in the village has a very unique and peaceful quality that is rarely experienced. Numerous towns around the world are endowed with breathtaking vistas that outshine those seen in even the most magnificent cities. Mainland Europe is home to the majority of the world's most picturesque villages, but one Indonesian community has received international recognition for its beauty. Are the top villages on the list intriguing to you? Come on, let's get right to the discussion of the top eight villages for your travel suggestions. Athens, Hallstatt One of the prettiest villages in Austria is Hallstatt Village, which is surrounded by the Salzkammergut Mountains. One of the primary travel destinations for tourists in Austria is Austria. After this village was featured in a South Korean television series in 2006, it started to draw a lot of people's attention. The picturesque scene of old-style Alpine homes lining Lake Hallstatt's shoreline against the backdrop of the Alps gives this settlement the appearance of a place from a fairy tale. This community, which has been in existence since the 16th century, not only offers lovely scenery, but it also has a serene and welcoming character. There, the air is exceptionally pure and fresh. It is not surprising that Hallstatt has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site that must be conserved since 1997.

November 19, 2022

Saba Desa


Gubernu Saba Desa

dalam rangka memberikan semangat dan motivasi kepada para pelaku penggerak Unit Pengelola kegiatan  di setiap Kecamatan, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat Menggelar   evaluasi dan penghargaan terhadap para pelaku usaha Pedesaan di Jawa Barat.

Kegiaan ini merupakan momen untuk bertemunya para pendamping dan pelaku usaha di Uit Pengelola Kegiatan masing masing Kecamatan di seluruh Provinsi Jawa Barat.  momen kegiatan ini juga menjadi ajang untuk bertukar pengalaman dan memelihara kebersamaan antar pelaku usaha se Jabar. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, pengembangan ekonomi kreatif, dengan slogan produk desa selalu bikin bangga dan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan kepemimpinan, kemandirian, dan motivasi khususnya pelaku kelompok usaha  Mandiri se-Jawa Barat; menjalin kemitraan dan pertukaran informasi pengetahuan pelaku, serta pemerintahan Desa; memelihara rasa kebersamaan dan kekeluargaan.

Kita akan menghadapi persaingan global. Kita harus menyiapkan sejak awal demi meningkatkan daya saing agar tidak tertinggal oleh daerah lain.